SET OF 4 ARABIA SEITA ARCTICA 10-1/4″ DINNER PLATES-FINLAND Current Price: 84,14 USD Location: United States Type: Fixed Price Description: More like this:Arabia Finland "Seita Arctica" Sugar Bowl - 3 3/4Arabia Plates SEITA ARCTICA Tableware Stylish Atmosphere A Life Above The RestArabia Finland Espresso Cup Seita Arctica White Beige Line Small 2 ouncesSAUCERS - Set of 8 Arabia Finland Seita Arctica SAUCERS very Nice!Lot of 4 Arabia of Finland Seita Arctica Saucers 6 5/8" Vintage DiscontinuedFinland Arabia Seita Arctica Round Serving Vegetable Bowl 8.5"5 ARABIA SEITA ARCTICA 3" FLAT CUPS and 6 SAUCERS-FINLANDArabia of Finland Seita Arctica Flat Cup 6 oz Set Of 5 Tan Bottom Thin Blue LineArabia Finland Seita Arctica Cups Saucers 10 Piece 5 Sets tea coffee espressoSet of Three ( 3 ) ARABIA FINLAND SEITA ARCTICA Coffee / Tea Cups ReplacementsSeita Arctica by Arabia of Finland MINI CREAMER 2 5/8" ~ 6 oz Discontinued EUCSET OF 4 ARABIA SEITA ARCTICA 10.25" DINNER PLATES-FINLANDArabia Seita ArcticaLot of 4 Arabia of Finland Seita Arctica Rim Soup Bowls 8" Vintage DiscontinuedArabia Finland Seita Arctica Creamer Sugar Bowl Lid Cream Pitcher Dish ArticaArabia Seita Arctica Vegetable Bowl2 ARABIA SEITA ARCTICA Soup Bowls 6.25" diameter made in Finland EUCARABIA Finland Seita Arctica Sugar Bowl With LidSET OF 4 ARABIA SEITA ARCTICA 10.25" DINNER PLATES-FINLANDArabia Finland Espresso Cup Seita Arctica White Beige Line Small 2 ouncesLot of 4 Arabia of Finland Seita Arctica Saucers 6 5/8" Vintage Discontinued(2)Seita Arctica by Arabia of Finland DINNER PLATES 10 1/4" Discontinued HTFSET OF 4 ARABIA SEITA ARCTICA 10.25" DINNER PLATES-FINLANDArabia vintage Seita Arctica bowl design Raija Uosikkinen FinlandArabia Finland "Seita Arctica" Sugar Bowl with Lid - Total height 3 3/4 "SET OF 6 ARABIA SEITA ARCTICA 6-3/8" RIMMED SOUP/CEREAL BOWLS-FINLANDArabia Finland "Seita Arctica" Serving Bowl - 7 3/8"4 Arabia Finland Seita Arctica 8" Salad Plates Lot #1SET OF 6 ARABIA SEITA ARCTICA 6-3/8" RIMMED SOUP/CEREAL BOWLS-FINLANDArabia Finland Seita Arctica Set 2 Saucers Coffee Cups Artica Vintage Stripe5 ARABIA SEITA ARCTICA 3" FLAT CUPS and 6 SAUCERS-FINLANDSeita Arctica by Arabia of Finland MINI CREAMER 2 5/8" ~ 6 oz Discontinued EUCSet of 4 ARABIA of Finland Seita Arctica Salad Plates 8”Seita Arctica by Arabia of Finland SALAD PLATES 8" Discontinued SET OF 4Finland Arabia Seita Arctica Round Serving Vegetable Bowl 8.5"Set of 4 ARABIA of Finland Seita Arctica Salad Plates 8”Vintage ARABIA FINLAND SEITA ARCTICA 7 1/2" Round Vegetable SERVING Bowl5 ARABIA SEITA ARCTICA 3" FLAT CUPS and 6 SAUCERS-FINLAND5 ARABIA SEITA ARCTICA 3" FLAT CUPS and 6 SAUCERS-FINLANDVintage ARABIA of Finland "Seita Arctica" Cereal / Soup Bowls : Set of 5(2) Seita Arctica by Arabia of Finland CUP and SAUCER Set 2 1/2" Discontinued EUCSET OF 4 ARABIA SEITA ARCTICA 10.25" DINNER PLATES-FINLANDArabia Finland Seita Arctica Soup Cereal Bowl 6 1/4" ReplacementsSET OF 4 ARABIA SEITA ARCTICA 10-1/4" DINNER PLATES-FINLANDArabia Finland Rectangular 14.50” Baker Casserole Dish Seita ArcticaARABIA Finland Seita Arctica Sugar Bowl With Lid 5” Tall 5” DiameterSet of Two ARABIA FINLAND SEITA ARCTICA Coffee Tea Cups and Saucers ReplacementsSeita Arctica by Arabia of Finland LARGE OVAL PLATTER 17" Discontinued RARE(4) Seita Arctica by Arabia of Finland BREAD and BUTTER PLATES 6 5/8" DiscontinuedArabia Finland Seita Arctica 6" SAUCER ONLY_Made in Finland. Replacement Tags: Arabia Seita Arctica Read more articles Previous Post4 ARABIA SEITA ARCTICA 3″ FLAT CUP and SAUCER SETS-FINLAND Next PostVintage ARABIA FINLAND SEITA ARCTICA 7 1/2″ Round Vegetable SERVING Bowl